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Premier hébergeur minecraft historique en France, RoxServers.com possède le staff le plus expérimenté en hébergement minecraft.
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hébergeurs qui vous permet de voir la consommation RAM
(mémoire vive) et CPU
(processeur) de votre serveur, vous savez ce que vous consommez et ce
pour quoi vous payez.
La RAM illimitée n'existe pas: La RAM
(mémoire vive) est un composant physique (sous forme de
barrettes), elle est donc limitée. Les hébergeurs
qui proposent la "RAM illimitée" font simplement de la
publicité mensongère. Vous serez
limité mais ne saurez simplement jamais à
combien, c'est un moyen détourné de masquer les
ressources qui vous sont allouées.
L'espace disque illimité n'existe pas:
là encore les disques durs sont des composants physiques avec
une limite finie et l'espace est divisé entre les serveurs
Confiants en la qualité de nos services nous sommes les premiers et les seuls en France à vous offrir une garantie satisfait ou remboursé:
Si durant les premières 24 heures de location vous constatez le moindre problème avec votre serveur Minecraft, ouvrez immédiatement un ticket de support.
Si nous ne sommes pas en mesure de régler votre problème nous procèderons à un remboursement intégral.
Cette offre s'applique à tous nos clients pour leur première commande.
Le remboursement est gratuit et intégral si vous avez choisi PayPal comme moyen de paiement.
Pour les autres moyens de paiement nous vous proposons un remboursement sous forme de crédit utilisable sur RoxServers.com.
Par défaut nos serveurs sont livrés sous PocketMine-MP mais vous pouvez installer ImagicalMine ou Genisys en 1 clic depuis le panel.
Même si vous pouvez installer n'importe quel mod pack
compatible multijoueurs "manuellement" (par FTP ou par l'interface web
de notre gestionnaire de fichiers) nous mettons à votre
disposition un large choix de mods et mod packs préconfigurés que vous pouvez installer en 1 clic
depuis notre panneau de contrôle parmi lesquels:
Craftbukkit / Vanilla
[1.10-R0.1] Craftbukkit
[1.10-R0.1] Spigot
[1.10.0] Minecraft Server
[1.10.1] Minecraft Server
[1.10.2-R0.1] Spigot
[1.10.2] Minecraft Server
[1.11.0] Spigot
[1.11.1] Minecraft Server
[1.11.2] Craftbukkit
[1.11.2] Minecraft Server
[1.11] Minecraft Server
[1.12-R0.1] Spigot SNAPSHOT-b1307
[1.12.0] Craftbukkit R0.1 SNAPSHOT b1316
[1.12.0] Minecraft Server
[1.12.1] Spigot
[1.12.1] Spigot R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1393
[1.12.2] Craftbukkit
[1.12.2] Craftbukkit R0.1 SNAPSHOT b1477
[1.12.2] Minecraft Server
[1.12.2] Paper 1563
[1.12.2] Spigot SNAPSHOT-b1346
[1.12] Spigot SNAPSHOT-b1346
[1.13.1] Minecraft Server
[1.13.1] Spigot R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1868
[1.13.2] Minecraft Server
[1.13.2] Paper 2-R.01
[1.13.2] Spigot
[1.13] Minecraft Server
[1.13] Paper 265
[1.13] Paper last successful build
[1.13] Spigot R0.1-SNAPSHOT-b1726
[1.14 Pre-Release 2][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft
[1.14.1] Minecraft Server
[1.14.2] Minecraft Server
[1.14.2] Spigot
[1.14.3] Minecraft Server
[1.14.4] Craftbukkit R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[1.14.4] Minecraft Server
[1.14.4] Spigot
[1.14] Minecraft Server
[1.14] Spigot
[1.15.1] Minecraft Server
[1.15.1] Spigot
[1.15.2] Craftbukkit
[1.15.2] Minecraft Server
[1.15.2] Spigot
[1.15] Paper
[1.16.1] Craftbukkit
[1.16.1] Minecraft Server
[1.16.1] Spigot
[1.16.2] Minecraft Server
[1.16.2] Spigot
[1.16.3] Minecraft Server
[1.16.4] Craftbukkit
[1.16.4] Minecraft Server
[1.16.5] Craftbukkit
[1.16.5] Minecraft Server
[1.16.5] Spigot
[1.16] Minecraft Server
[1.16] Paper
[1.17-pre1][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Server
[1.17.1] Craftbukkit
[1.17.1] Minecraft Server
[1.17.1] Spigot
[1.17] Minecraft Server
[1.18.1] Minecraft Server
[1.18.1] Paper 169
[1.18.1] Spigot
[1.18.2] Craftbukkit
[1.18.2] Minecraft Server
[1.18.2] Paper 388
[1.18.2] Spigot
[1.18] Minecraft Server
[1.18] Spigot
[1.19.1] Minecraft Server
[1.19.1] Spigot
[1.19.2] Craftbukkit
[1.19.2] Minecraft Server
[1.19.2] Spigot
[1.19.3] Craftbukkit
[1.19.3] Minecraft Server
[1.19.3] Spigot
[1.19.4] Minecraft Server
[1.19.4] Spigot
[1.19] Craftbukkit
[1.19] Minecraft Server
[1.19] Spigot
[1.2.5] Minecraft Server
[1.20.1] Minecraft Server
[1.20.1] Paper 196
[1.20.1] Spigot
[1.20.2] Minecraft Server
[1.20.2] Spigot
[1.20.4] Minecraft Server
[1.20.4] Spigot
[1.20.5] pre4 Minecraft Server
[1.20.6] Minecraft Server
[1.20.6] Spigot
[1.20] Minecraft Server
[1.21.1] Minecraft Server
[1.21.3] Minecraft Server
[1.21.4] Minecraft Server
[1.21] Minecraft Server
[1.21] Spigot
[1.4.6] Craftbukkit R0.4 SNAPSHOT
[1.4.7] Craftbukkit R1.1 SNAPSHOT
[1.5.2] Craftbukkit R0.1
[1.5.2] Minecraft Server
[1.6.4] Craftbukkit R2.0
[1.7.10] Craftbukkit R0.1
[1.7.10] Minecraft Server
[1.7.10] Spigot SNAPSHOT-b1657
[1.7.2] Craftbukkit beta R0.3
[1.7.2] Spigot SNAPSHOT-b1224
[1.7.5] Craftbukkit R0.3
[1.7.5] Minecraft Server
[1.7.9] Craftbukkit Beta R0.2
[1.8.0] Rainbow Server v50
[1.8.0] Rainbow Server v54
[1.8.0] Spigot R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[1.8.8] Craftbukkit R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[1.8.8] Spigot R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[1.8.9] Minecraft Server
[1.9.0] Minecraft Server
[1.9.2] Minecraft Server
[1.9.4] Minecraft Server
[1.9.4] Spigot
[1.9] Spigot
[20w09a][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Server
[20w14infinite][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Serv
[20w15a][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Serv
[20w19a][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Serv
[21w08b][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Server
[21w38a][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Server
[22w17a][SNAPSHOT] Minecraft Server
Mods & Mod Packs
Custom mod pack
[1.10.2] Forge
[1.10.2] MoCreatures v10.0.6 + forge
[1.10.2] Pixelmon 5.0.4
[1.10.2] Project Ozone Lite 1.3.6
[1.10.2] Space Astronomy 2 v1.4.7
[1.10.2][ATL] DNSTechpack
[1.10.2][ATL] ResonantRise
[1.10.2][CURSE] Age of Engineering 1.1.2
[1.10.2][CURSE] AllTheMods v4.1
[1.10.2][CURSE] Farming Valley 0.7.6
[1.10.2][CURSE] Feed The Trouduc 3 - FTT3-1.2
[1.10.2][CURSE] FoolCraft 2.6
[1.10.2][CURSE] Forever Stranded 1.9.3
[1.10.2][CURSE] Invasion 1.0.7
[1.10.2][CURSE] Restart 1.3.1
[1.10.2][CURSE] The Simple Life 2 : Genesis v2.3
[1.10.2][CURSE] The Simple Life 2 v1.4.0
[1.10.2][FTB] Direwolf20 1.10 v.1.9.1
[1.10.2][FTB] FTB Beyond 1.11.0
[1.10.2][FTB] FTB presents Skyfactory 3.0.15
[1.11.2] Forge
[1.12.1][CURSE] Ragnamod IV 2.0.1
[1.12.2] aether II 1.0.10
[1.12.2] AtomMC
[1.12.2] Forge
[1.12.2] Forge
[1.12.2] Kettle a8543ec
[1.12.2] Magma Dev HEAD-b2a81d7
[1.12.2] MoCreatures v12.0.5 + forge
[1.12.2] Pixelmon Generations 2.9.3
[1.12.2] Pixelmon reforged 8.4.0
[1.12.2] SpaceCraft (Galacticraft) 1.1.0
[1.12.2][ATL] DNSTechpack 12.2.0
[1.12.2][ATL] ResonantRise 5.0.0 pre2
[1.12.2][ATL] Sky Factory 4.0.8
[1.12.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 3 Lite 3.1.1
[1.12.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 3 remix 1.3.0
[1.12.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 3 v6.0.0
[1.12.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 4-0.2.7
[1.12.2][CURSE] Automaton 1.5.0
[1.12.2][CURSE] Chroma Technology 1.4.1
[1.12.2][CURSE] Crop block 1.4
[1.12.2][CURSE] Dimension Zero 10.8
[1.12.2][CURSE] Divine Journey 2.18.0
[1.12.2][CURSE] Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles 8.0 R1
[1.12.2][CURSE] Engineer's Life 1.7
[1.12.2][CURSE] Enigmatica 2 1.77
[1.12.2][CURSE] Enigmatica 2 Light 1.4.5
[1.12.2][CURSE] Enigmatica 2: Expert 1.81a
[1.12.2][CURSE] Exoria 1.0.2
[1.12.2][CURSE] Forever Stranded Lost Souls v-
[1.12.2][CURSE] GregBlock 2.2.1
[1.12.2][CURSE] JurassiCraft2 2.1.23
[1.12.2][CURSE] Lapito's Galacticraft
[1.12.2][CURSE] Lapito's Galacticraft
[1.12.2][CURSE] Life in the village 1.17
[1.12.2][CURSE] Magiculture 2
[1.12.2][CURSE] Manufactio 1.32b
[1.12.2][CURSE] MC Eternal 1.5
[1.12.2][CURSE] MC Eternal Lite 1.3.5
[1.12.2][CURSE] Mech & Magic LITE 2.0.2
[1.12.2][CURSE] Modern Skyblock 3.6.0
[1.12.2][CURSE] One Hundred Years After the Apocalypse 1.5.9
[1.12.2][CURSE] Project Ozone 3 A New Way Forward 3.4.9
[1.12.2][CURSE] Ragnamod V 5.9.1
[1.12.2][CURSE] Rebirth of the Night 2.77.5
[1.12.2][CURSE] RLCraft 2.9.1c
[1.12.2][CURSE] RLCraft Beta v2.8.2
[1.12.2][CURSE] RLCraft Beta v2.9.3
[1.12.2][CURSE] Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 1.49
[1.12.2][CURSE] Seablock: Rustic Waters 1.2.1
[1.12.2][CURSE] SevTech: Ages 3.2.1
[1.12.2][CURSE] SevTech: Ages of the Sky 3.2.1 Beta 1
[1.12.2][CURSE] Sky Factory 4.2.2
[1.12.2][CURSE] StoneBlock 1.0.33
[1.12.2][CURSE] Terra Nova : The New World
[1.12.2][CURSE] The 1.12.2 Pack: Perfectly Complex 1.3.4
[1.12.2][CURSE] Voids Wrath 2 1.0.0
[1.12.2][CURSE] World of Dragons 22.7.283
[1.12.2][FORGE] spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.2.2
[1.12.2][FTB] Builder paradise 1.3.0
[1.12.2][FTB] Direwolf20 2.5.0
[1.12.2][FTB] FTB Academy 1.1.0
[1.12.2][FTB] FTB Continuum 1.6.0
[1.12.2][FTB] FTB Revelation 3.4.0
[1.12.2][FTB] FTB Sky Adventures 1.4.0
[1.12.2][FTB] Horizons III 1.7.0
[1.12.2][FTB] Interactions 2.0.9
[1.12.2][FTB] Pyramid Reborn 2.1.1
[1.12.2][FTB] Sky Odyssey 1.1.0
[1.12.2][FTB] StoneBlock 2 1.21.1
[1.12.2][FTB] Ultimate Reloaded 1.9.0
[1.12.2][FTB] University 1.2.1
[1.12.2][TEC] Tekxit 3 LE 0.990
[1.12.2][TEC] THE 1.12.2 PACK Perfectly complex 1.1.0
[1.12] Forge
[1.12][FORGE] Dynmap 2.6 beta 1
[1.13.2] Forge 25.0.149
[1.14.4] Forge 28.2.0
[1.14.4][CURSE] AllTheMods 4-1.4
[1.14.4][CURSE] Enigmatica 4 0.4.10
[1.15.2] Forge 31.2.36
[1.15.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 5 2.6
[1.15.2][CURSE] Plunger 1.13
[1.15.2][CURSE] Valhelsia 2.2.8a
[1.16.1] Forge 32.0.75
[1.16.1][CURSE] Valhelsia 3.0.12
[1.16.3] Fabric
[1.16.3] Forge 34.1.25
[1.16.3][CURSE] AllTheMods 6 1.1.9b
[1.16.3][CURSE] Valhelsia 3 pre4-3.1.0
[1.16.4] Forge 35.1.37
[1.16.4] Pokecube 3.9.1
[1.16.4][CURSE] Sky Capsule Project 1.0.4
[1.16.4][FTB] Direwolf20 1.5.1
[1.16.5] Forge 36.2.34
[1.16.5] Mohist 731
[1.16.5] Pixelmon reforged 9.1.10
[1.16.5][CURSE] All in One [Modded One Block] 1.5.1
[1.16.5][CURSE] Stacia Expert 1.11.14
[1.16.5][CURSE] Above and Beyond 1.1
[1.16.5][CURSE] All of Fabric 3 2.8.5
[1.16.5][CURSE] AllTheMods 6 - To the Sky - 1.1.7
[1.16.5][CURSE] AllTheMods 6 1.8.22
[1.16.5][CURSE] Better Minecraft [FORGE] - v32
[1.16.5][CURSE] Better Minecraft [PLUS] v22
[1.16.5][CURSE] Cave Factory 1.2.0
[1.16.5][CURSE] Chroma Sky 2 1.0.7
[1.16.5][CURSE] Engineer's Life 2 1.17
[1.16.5][CURSE] Enigmatica 6 0.5.4
[1.16.5][CURSE] Enigmatica 6 expert 1.9.0
[1.16.5][CURSE] Jetpack Cat 2.8
[1.16.5][CURSE] Limitless 3 1.9.5
[1.16.5][CURSE] Mineshafts & Monsters 1.11
[1.16.5][CURSE] Ragnamod VI 6.1.10
[1.16.5][CURSE] Ragnamod VI in the sky 6.0.4
[1.16.5][CURSE] Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2 1.4a
[1.16.5][CURSE] Valhelsia 3.3.1
[1.16.5][CURSE] Vault Hunters 1.12.4
[1.16.5][FTB] Direwolf20 1.12.0
[1.16.5][FTB] Endeavour - 1.4.0
[1.16.5][FTB] Oceanblock 1.12.0
[1.17.1] Forge 37.1.1
[1.17.1][CURSE] All of Fabric 4 0.0.9
[1.17.1][CURSE] DigSite 1.0.29
[1.18.1] Fabric 0.12.12
[1.18.1] Forge 39.1.0
[1.18.1][CURSE] All of Fabric 5 1.1.5
[1.18.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 7-0.2.37
[1.18.2] Forge 40.2.1
[1.18.2] Mohist 10
[1.18.2] Mohist 181
[1.18.2][CURSE] All of Fabric 5 1.5.1
[1.18.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 7 - to the sky 1.2.3
[1.18.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 7 0.4.32
[1.18.2][CURSE] Create Flavored 4.1
[1.18.2][CURSE] DawnCraft 1.29 f
[1.18.2][CURSE] DawnCraft 2.0.13
[1.18.2][CURSE] Life in the village 3 1.4
[1.18.2][CURSE] Ragnamod VII 7.1.7
[1.18.2][CURSE] Vault Hunters 3rd Edition 16.0.1
[1.18.2][CURSE] Vault Hunters 3rd Edition 3.11.0
[1.18.2][CURSE] Vault Hunters 3rd Edition Update 9.0.3
[1.18.2][FTB] Direwolf20 1.9.1
[1.18.2][FTB] Plexiglass Mountain 1.2.4
[1.18.2][FTB] StoneBlock 3 1.5.0
[1.18] Forge 38.0.17
[1.18][CURSE] AllTheMods 7 0.2.22
[1.18][CURSE] Valhelsia: Enhanced Vanilla 1.3.2
[1.18][FTB] Direwolf20 1.8.0
[1.19.2] Fabric 0.14.18
[1.19.2] Forge 43.3.5
[1.19.2] Mohist 75
[1.19.2][CURSE] Stacia 2 Expert 0.9.12
[1.19.2][CURSE] All of Create 2.6
[1.19.2][CURSE] All of Fabric 6 1.2.0
[1.19.2][CURSE] All the Mods: Volcano Block 1.0.4
[1.19.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 8 1.0.27
[1.19.2][CURSE] AllTheMods 8 1.1.0
[1.19.2][CURSE] Better MC [FABRIC] v18.5
[1.19.2][CURSE] Better MC [FABRIC] v2
[1.19.2][CURSE] Create a Colony v1.0.6
[1.19.2][CURSE] Create Flavored 5.8
[1.19.2][CURSE] Create Optimized 0.5.2i
[1.19.2][CURSE] Fear Nightfall v11.5
[1.19.2][CURSE] Medieval MC [FABRIC] 18.5
[1.19.2][CURSE] Omniopolis B4.0
[1.19.2][CURSE] Progress Create 0.5.0
[1.19.2][CURSE] Progress Create GotA Edition 0.4.5-1
[1.19.2][CURSE] Seapolis 2 B10.0
[1.19.2][CURSE] StaTech Industry 1.1.13
[1.19.2][CURSE] TNP Limitless 6 1.32.0
[1.19.2][CURSE] Valhelsia 5 - 5.0.11
[1.19.2][FTB] Abe Pack 1.0.6
[1.19.2][FTB] FTB Skies 1.3.1
[1.19.3] Forge 44.1.16
[1.19.3] Mohist 118
[1.19.3][CURSE] Another Quality Modpack 2 1.4.4hf
[1.19.4] Forge 45.0.6
[1.19] Forge 41.1.0
[1.2.5] Tekkit Classic 3.1.2
[1.20.1] Fabric 0.16.3
[1.20.1] Forge 47.2.0
[1.20.1] Forge 47.2.20
[1.20.1] Forge 47.3.7
[1.20.1] Jonathan's Cobblemon Pack
[1.20.1] Mohist 833
[1.20.1] NeoForge 47.1.106
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 - To the Sky - 1.0.7
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 0.2.36
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 0.2.51
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 0.2.56
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 0.2.59
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 0.3.0
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 0.3.5
[1.20.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 9 1.0.3
[1.20.1][CURSE] BigChadGuys Plus (Non-Cobblemon) 1.0.4
[1.20.1][CURSE] BigChadGuys Plus (w/ Cobblemon!) 2.4.0
[1.20.1][CURSE] BigChadGuys Plus 1.1.13HF
[1.20.1][CURSE] Exploring the Universe 20.0.0
[1.20.1][CURSE] Integrated MC 1.4.2
[1.20.1][CURSE] MineColonies- Dimensional Adventure 2.0.4
[1.20.1][CURSE] Prominence II 1.8.5
[1.20.1][CURSE] Prominence II RPG v2.8.7
[1.20.1][CURSE] Prominence II RPG v3.0.7
[1.20.1][Forge] Better MC 4 v24 HF
[1.20.1][FTB] Direwolf20 1.12.1
[1.20.1][FTB] Direwolf20 1.15.0
[1.20.2] Pixelmon reforged 9.2.6 ALPHA
[1.20] Forge 46.0.14
[1.21.1] NeoForge 21.1.26
[1.21.1] NeoForge 21.1.93
[1.21.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 10 0.35
[1.21.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 10 0.56
[1.21.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 10 2.11
[1.21.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 10 2.20
[1.21.1][CURSE] AllTheMods 10 2.30
[1.4.7] Tekkit Lite 0.6.5
[1.4.7] VoidsWrath RC2
[1.4.7][FTB] Ultimate 1.1.2
[1.5.2] BigDigServer v1.3.9
[1.5.2] Hexxit 1.0.10
[1.5.2] Voltz 2.0.4
[1.6.2] OreSpawn1625
[1.6.4] BasicGunsMod v1.3
[1.6.4] Cauldron 1.965.21.204
[1.6.4] Tekkit 1.2.9e
[1.6.4] Voltz 3.1.2
[1.6.4][ATL] Yogscast complete
[1.6.4][FTB] AgrarianSkiesHQ 3.1.4
[1.6.4][FTB] Direwolf20 v.1.0.25
[1.6.4][FTB] Horizons v.2.1.1
[1.6.4][FTB] Monster 1.1.2
[1.6.4][FTB] TechWorld2 1.1.7
[1.6.4][TEC] Attack of the B-team 1.0.12c
[1.7.10] Awakening 2.28.2-FINAL3
[1.7.10] Cauldron 2.1403.1.54
[1.7.10] Feed The Patrick 4 1.4
[1.7.10] Forge
[1.7.10] GT New Horizons 2.6.1
[1.7.10] kCauldron 1558.201
[1.7.10] kCauldron 1614 UNOFFICIAL
[1.7.10] Tekkit 2 v2.15
[1.7.10] Thermos
[1.7.10][ATL] CrainerCraft2.1.0
[1.7.10][ATL] CrundeeCraft 1.1.0
[1.7.10][ATL] Revenge of the C team 0.6
[1.7.10][ATL] Unabridged Release13b
[1.7.10][CURSE] AgrarianSkies 2 1.1.14
[1.7.10][CURSE] Gregtania6 Skyblock 3.2.0
[1.7.10][CURSE] Project Ozone 2.4.0
[1.7.10][FTB] Direwolf20 v.1.10.0
[1.7.10][FTB] FTB Presents Crackpack 1.1.0
[1.7.10][FTB] FTB presents Skyfactory 2.5.6
[1.7.10][FTB] FTBLite 1.5.0
[1.7.10][FTB] Galactic Science 1.6.4
[1.7.10][FTB] Horizons: Daybreaker 1.2.0
[1.7.10][FTB] Infinity Evolved 3.1.0
[1.7.10][FTB] Infinity Evolved Skyblock 2.0.1
[1.7.10][FTB] Inventions 1.0.2
[1.7.10][FTB] Regrowth 1.0.2
[1.7.10][FTB] Space Astronomy 1.7.5
[1.7.10][FTB] TerraFirmaPunk 2.1.0
[1.7.10][FTB] The Ferret Business v0.2.0
[1.7.10][FTB] Void World1.1.3
[1.7.10][TEC] Blightfall Version 2.1.5
[1.7.10][TEC] GT New Horizons
[1.7.10][TEC] Mianite Reborn 1.0.2
[1.7.10][TEC] PixelSpark - Pixelmon 3.4.0
[1.7.10][TEC] Realm of Mianite 1.4.1
[1.7.10][TEC] Tekkit Legends 1.1.1
[1.7.10][TEC] The 1.7.10 Pack 0.9.4
[1.7.10][TEC] Ultra Modded Survival 2.1.3 Version 1.0
[1.7.10][VW] CrazyCraft 3.0.2
[1.8.9] Forge
[1.8] SpongePowered 1552-2.1DEV
[spigot/paper][1.10.2-1.20.4] dynmap 3.7 beta 4