Pour vous ajouter admin il vous suffit d'éditer le fichier /Saves/adminconfig.example.yaml
Vous pouvez l'éditer directement depuis le panneau de gestion > config files.
Le fichier se présente ainsi:
# Admin Configuration
# =========================================================
# === PLEASE RENAME TO adminconfig.yaml TO BE EFFECTIVE ===
# =========================================================
# This file can contain two lists: one with elevated players with special permissions
# and one with banned players.
# 'Id' is a SteamID64 in both lists, lookup possible at https://steamid.io/
# 'Permission' is 3 for 'GameMaster', 6 for 'Moderator' and 9 for 'Admin' - other values are not allowed.
# 'Until' is the time when the ban ends.
- Id: 00000000000000000 # put the correct SteamID64 here
Permission: 3 # make this user a GameMaster, for example
- Id: 76561198985215266
Permission: 9
Vous devrez connaître votre steamID64 et ajouter 2 lignes ainsi:
# Admin Configuration
# =========================================================
# === PLEASE RENAME TO adminconfig.yaml TO BE EFFECTIVE ===
# =========================================================
# This file can contain two lists: one with elevated players with special permissions
# and one with banned players.
# 'Id' is a SteamID64 in both lists, lookup possible at https://steamid.io/
# 'Permission' is 3 for 'GameMaster', 6 for 'Moderator' and 9 for 'Admin' - other values are not allowed.
# 'Until' is the time when the ban ends.
- Id: 00000000000000000 # put the correct SteamID64 here
Permission: 3 # make this user a GameMaster, for example
- Id: 76561198985215266
- Id: Votre_STEAMID64
Permission: 9
Sauvegardez et redémarrez le serveur.