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Manage (admin) your server via telnet

To manage your server (without necessarily being in game) you must enable telnet and set a password (by default telnet is active and a password is set). To do this edit the configuration file of your server (myserver_dedicated.yaml) and make sure you have the telnet active:
- { Prop: Tel_Enabled, value: true }
The telnet port should not be changed but take note of it for later use:
- { Prop: Tel_Port, value: Your_telnet_port_here }
Finally set a Telnet password:
- { Prop: Tel_Pwd, value: Your_telnet_password_here }

Save and reboot your server.

You will then need a telnet client to connect, you can download one HERE

Once downloaded run it.
In the Host Name (or IP Address) field set the IP address of your server (without port).
In the Port field set the telnet port of your server (the one mentioned in your config at "prop: Tel_Port")
Then click the Connect button
A window opens asking for your password, type it and press Enter. If you have not made any error, the message "Logged in successfully" appears and you are connected.

Type help and press Enter to obtain a list of available commands.

At the time of writing the following commands are available:

ban: Ban player for an amount of time
help: List all console commands and show specific help
initadmin: Sets myself as the initial administrator
kick: Kick player (or all players) out of game
list: Lists special players (e.g. gold admins banned players)
plys: Lists all players in the game
saveandexit: Saves and exits the game
say: Sends a Message chat to all players. say 'text with blanks'
svs servers: Lists all connected severs playfield
setrole: Sets the role for a player (_him_ give special permissions)
unban: Unban a player

To kick / ban a player type plys  for a list of connected players then kick player or ban player

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